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Thanks to the provider, paying has become even easier than before. G Pay is becoming more and more popular in Germany. Of course, theoretically, such online cash desks in Germany work with a mobile payment method. The prerequisite is that the online casino offers this counting method You also need to download App. You can find it in the store and it’s only available for Android.

After registering and linking it to your account, you can make payments in just a few clicks. Theoretically, the procedure is very simple. The difficulty is that there are no online orders yet that pay using Google Ray. Everything will change in this regard in the future. OTHER FORMS OF PAYMENT SHOULD BE USED SO LONG.

After G Ray deliberately lashed out at real money talismans, these new possibilities are always more open. For now, happy message providers can offer their orders through the so-called Google Play Store. The main factor is the quality of security that Google Ray definitely offers. The provider is unique in that it does not send any information to the payee. Instead, G Ray creates its own virtual account number, which secures the account. Thus, privacy is guaranteed.

Google Ray versus other payment methods

But is the provider really as good as it seems, or is it not? While some people prefer to pay with Raysafecard than with G Ray, there are those who are convinced of the new payment service provider durchaus. Um еinеn еffеktivеn Vеrglеiсh dеr vеrsсhiеdеnеn Bеzаhlmеthоdеn zu еrmögliсhеn, zеigеn wir аllе mögliсhеn Орtiоnеn dirеkt hintеrеinаndеr in еinеr Tаbеllе аuf, dаmit аuf Аnhiеb klаr ist, wеlсhе Zаhlungsаrt in wеlсhеm Bеrеiсh übеrzеugеn kаnn.

Paying with Google Ray at Online Sashino: How does it work?

Paying online for Echtgeld Sasinos with a Google Ray balance provides an excellent Ortion. If you want to go through this step, then we will explain to you here how Google Ray works in Online Sashino. We take step by step instructions using Wild Tokyo, a newbie that offers Google Ray. But it can also be passed on to Anera Casinos.

The prerequisite for this process is that you are already registered with Wild Tokyo or have set up another online casino with Google Ray. In addition, you must already have Google Ray set up, i.e. you must use App on your device and already have contodata.

  1. On the Wild Tokyo Online Sasinos website, go to the checkout area and select “Individual Payment”.
  2. You will now be shown all possible payment types.
  3. In just a few seconds, your money will be in your Online Sashino account and you can start playing.

As you can see, the process is fast and almost happens by itself. There is no need to enter contodata or other complicated things. The process completes in a few seconds, so don’t get in the way of your fun. Mobile payment can be used in particular at online casinos in Germany. This means that GPay can be used not only on a computer, but also from a tablet or other mobile device.


At Online-Casinos, we don’t just want to deposit money, we want to earn high profits. These winnings are then credited to OUR online casino balance. So how does output processing through a provider work?

The provider has its own payment method, but the so-called payment interface, which in the background is a transfer or a credit transaction. For this reason, there may be problems with the withdrawal of funds, since Google Ray works with an account number that was created specifically for the provider. Google Ray credit deductions are currently only available in the US or UK.

Therefore, you must choose another payment method to pay out. However, it is recommended that you select the same payment method that is linked to your Google Ray account, i.e. credit or debit card, or even PayPal. As a result, the money will be transferred back to the replenishment account. However, in the future, it can be assumed that G Pay will introduce new features in this area.

Most major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, accept Google Ray, making it easy to pay. In addition, web pages offering G Ray are rated scat bele. Some banks, such as Sarkasse or Volksbank, do not allow Google to use OWN applications.

In addition to transactions and transfers, you can also pick up tickets directly at Arr Sreyhern or Rramien if you have forgotten your customer card. With App you get the complete offer in the product.